About Us
Affectionately nicknamed "TPEG," we are the premier collegiate student organization developed to immerse and educate our members about the theme park industry in effort to allow them to professionally succeed in the future. When first formed a decade ago at The Ohio State University, we were the first professional-interest theme park organization of its kind. Since then, the concept inspired by our group has spread throughout the US and Canada.
Led by an executive board of upper-class students, our group consists of students of all years and academic backgrounds while sharing one common passion: all things "themed entertainment."
Weekly, we have a variety of events occurring for members. These include executive team meetings, research and brainstorming sessions for upcoming ASTM conferences, and our famous project meetings. TPEG regularly undertakes at least one uniquely challenging project each year, which tends to demand most of our focus. Please see our Projects page for more information.
Not only do we spend our time working on projects during the year, but we also make it a point to go on a variety of trips to parks and industry vendors, as well as invite in guest speakers.
Members of our group, past and present, have had great success obtaining internships and careers within the themed entertainment industry. The incredible companies members have had the opportunity to work with include: Universal Creative, Walt Disney Resorts, Great Coasters International, The Gravity Group, and more!
As a group we are very proud of who we are, what we have accomplished, and where we are headed. On campus, our organization has been awarded the "Outstanding Student Organization Award," an award given to only four of the 1000+ on-campus organizations annually. Furthermore, our group has been internationally recognized by Cornell University's Theme Park Entrepreneurship Competition.
Additionally we, as an academic and professional organization, appreciate the value of membership within other nationally and internationally accredited professional organizations listed below. We are very grateful for the support and resources they have provided over the years.